No AI traffic
If you don't see any traffic, please check the following:
- Check that you have the experimental build enabled. The version is shown at the bottom left and should be experimental. If you need to change version, go to your account page and change from Early Access to Experimental.
- Check that Traffic is enabled in your BATC settings
- Check the time you are using. You need to make sure that the airport is busy at the time you are flying. Airports can have a very low activity at some hours of the day/night
- You need to have models from one injector installed. BeyondATC does not provide them. Make sure that you have the models installed from at least one of these injectors:
- Alpha India Group (AIG)
- FS Traffic
- Make sure you launch BeyondATC as an administrator.
If you don't see anything, try to reinstall BeyondATC. If you still don't manage to get traffic working, send your log files in this discord channel